Laden Gesture
Apr 4–27, 2013
Image Gallery

Laden Gesture
Apr 4–27, 2013
April 4 – April 27, 2013
Gallery 4
Featuring Vikky Jones
Laden Gesture is an exhibit of Vikky Jones’ newest works that express a subtle, undulating uncertainty. Soaked in references to memory and the body, images of water, fabric, and childhood objects offer an intimacy and quietness to accompany their exploration into a darker realm unknown.
Jones is a local artist known for her dreamy and often brooding imagery. She earned her Master of Fine Arts in painting and drawing from the University of Texas at San Antonio and is currently teaching various art classes at UTSA and Northeast Lakeview. She has exhibited at venues throughout Texas, including R Gallery in San Antonio, Laredo Community College in Laredo, and K Space Contemporary in Corpus Christi.