Texas Dialogues: Scenic Overlook
Dec 1, 2000–Jan 12, 2001
Texas Dialogues: Scenic Overlook
Dec 1, 2000–Jan 12, 2001
Texas Dialogues: Scenic Overlook was curated by Nancy Bless and presented work from artists Helen Altman, Kaleta Doolin, Alan Govenar, Mignon Harkrader, John Hernandez, Connie Lowe, MANUAL (Suzanne Bloom and Ed Hill), Mona Marshall, Sybil Miller, Scott Nicol, Beverly Penn, Jack Robbins, Margo Sawyer, Al Souza, Anne Wallace, and Casey Williams. Scenic Overlookexplored the collision of technology, folklore and spirituality in the work of sixteen Texas artists whose subject matter was landscape and the natural world.