Sep 3–Nov 8, 2015
Image Gallery

Sep 3–Nov 8, 2015
September 3 – November 8, 2015
Gallery 4
Featuring Jeffrey Brosk
The process of creating my work is a collaboration between myself and the materials. It deals with creating a harmony of form by combining my aesthetic concerns with the character and uniqueness inherent in the materials. The most important influence in my current work both physically and spiritually is the landscape in the western United States. The expansive nature of the terrain has had a considerable and constant effect on my spirit, my vision and my artistic expression.
In fact, my work can be seen as a distillation of my experience with that landscape, in combination with my ongoing exploration of the sensuous and eccentric qualities of natural materials.This initiates a process of expressing a larger notion of nature by using specific natural elements.
My wall sculptures are inhabited psychologically while my large scale site specific environments inhabited physically. Both are meant to establish a sense of place in the spirit and the mind.
Based in New York, New York, Jeffrey Brosk has exhibited nationally and internationally. He holds a Masters of Architecture from M.I.T. and a BA & BS from the University of Pennsylvania. His minimalist sensibilities and responsiveness to the natural world manifest into works that feel informed by his architecture background and fundamental principles of design.