Passage To The Future
Mar 1–May 5, 2012
Image Gallery

Passage To The Future
Mar 1–May 5, 2012
March 1 – May 5, 2012
Main & Middle Gallery
As part of Contemporary at Blue Star’s international initiative, we have partnered with The Japan Foundation, an independent institution that serves as Japan’s main organization for international cultural exchange, to bring an internationally traveling exhibition of contemporary Japanese artwork to San Antonio.
This exhibition focuses on art produced in Japan at the beginning of the 21st century. It showcases the work of eleven artists who are presently attracting a great deal of international attention. The 1990s saw major shifts in the economic and political order of the world, and many people responded by turning away from larger issues and concentrating on smaller and more intimate areas of life, in essence, reexamining the ground under their own feet. In contemporary art as well, there has been a worldwide tendency for artists to take a greater interest in everyday life and focus on the expression of very personal perceptions and feelings.
This exhibition presents paintings, sculptures, installations, photographs, and video works by eleven Japanese artists who are responding in a similar way to the current state of the world. They take their subject matter from their immediate surroundings and make art that strongly reflects their own personal reality. Their work has a rich visual impact and reveals a strong interest in the process of making things.