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Jun 3–26, 2005


Jun 3–26, 2005

milagritos exhibited new works from Paloma Diaz. Living for nearly two years on the U.S./Mexico border inspired Paloma Diaz’s collection of votive paintings. Each depiction of human form is at once a resonation on the intangible, whether spiritual or emotional, while also evoking reality. The enamel, oil, and gold leaf on galvanized steel pieces portray the coexistence of the ordinary with the fantastic, all the while calling upon the tradition of the milagro, or miracle. In Mexican folklore a milagro is a small metal object that symbolizes a wish or promise and is often associated with divine healing. Diza’s paintings each are milagros themselves, expressing the artist’s daily struggles and victories in a manner that is both mystical and grounded in South Texas experience.