Oct 2–Nov 9, 2014
Image Gallery

Tommy Gregory
Oct 2–Nov 9, 2014
October 2 – November 9, 2014
Featuring Tommy Gregory
Loading… An exhibition by Houston-based artist Tommy Gregory deals with technology, communication, and patience. Gregory’s exhibition featured sculptural, photographic and installation based works with a performance that kicked off the exhibition at the opening reception on Thursday, October 2, 2014
The ubiquity of the “smart” device has consumed my daily life. Smelling the roses is a bygone pleasure, patience is not a virtue. This insistence on immediate gratification (even in the nonprofit art sector) keeps me strapped to a device reading emails, taking on-site pictures and generally feeling like some business drone with a phone attached to my head, trying to make things happen: “always be closing”.
My work in this exhibition gives the viewer a tongue-in-cheek look at my take on all of this. As an artist obsessed with beautiful materials and objects, how does my digital persona fit in? From selfies to the planned obsolescence of rapidly changing technologies, my work addresses and assesses this pervasive state of being.
Tommy Gregory was born in Houston TX in the early 80’s and has spent a good amount of his life in Houston and throughout Texas. He earned his BFA in Sculpture from the University of Houston in 2005 and his MFA from the University of Texas at San Antonio in 2009.
Along with being a full-time artist, Tommy has always been employed in the arts. He was a public art specialist for the City of San Antonio and has worked as the head preparator at McClain Gallery in Houston. Currently, he maintains his studio practice and is the Civic Art and Design Project Manager for the Houston Arts Alliance.