Dirty Dozen
Dec 6, 2012–Feb 16, 2013
Image Gallery

Dirty Dozen
Dec 6, 2012–Feb 16, 2013
December 6, 2012 – February 16, 2013
Main Gallery
Featuring Esteban Delgado, Gabriel Diego Delgado, Claudio Dicochea, Michele Monseau, Ethan Moore, Ivan Salcido, Gary Schafter, Ann Wood, Susan Plum, Nancy Douthey, Jon Leach, and Liza Littlefield.
After reviewing over 100 submissions, Catherine Anspon, Fine Arts & Social Editor at PaperCity Magazine (Houston), selected 7 artists from San Antonio and 5 artists from Houston to be shown in Dirty Dozen (formerly titled Super 8).
Catherine was excited about the opportunity for San Antonio and Houston artists to be shown together since both cities have so much to offer in terms of visual arts. She felt that this exhibition would create a rich partnership between Houston and San Antonio artists and would help inspire future dialogue between the two cities. She noticed strong themes of the supernatural in the selected works saying “Dirty Dozen is about obsessive artists who individually explore themes of nature, the supernatural, architecture, socio-politics, community, pop culture, cloning and baroque ornamentation through painting, video, sculpture, performance and audience participation.”
Participating Artists from San Antonio include Esteban Delgado, Gabriel Diego Delgado, Claudio Dicochea, Michele Monseau, Ethan Moore, Ivan Salcido and Gary Schafter. Participating Artists from Houston include Ann Wood, Susan Plum, Nancy Douthey, Jon Leach and Liza Littlefield.