Art in the Garden: Texas Uprising – Selections from the Texas Sculpture Group
Mar 11, 2011–Mar 1, 2012
Image Gallery

Art in the Garden: Texas Uprising – Selections from the Texas Sculpture Group
Mar 11, 2011–Mar 1, 2012
March 11, 2011 – March 1, 2012
San Antonio Botanical Garden
Featuring Roger Colombik, Hank Waddell, Peter Mangan, Kurt Dyrhaug, Lee Littlefield, George Tobolowsky, and Stephen Daly
Roger Colombik-”When I Return” ©2000/2010
Bronze, Aluminum, Stone, Resin, Gold leaf
10’ x 8’ x 6’
Hank Waddell- “Tree Bones – The Wall, Fallen Man, Crying Baby” 2006
oak branches, DTM bonding primer, polyurethane adhesive
Peter Mangan- “Marked Man” 2011
Recycled Copper, Glass, Brass, Concrete, Stone, Steel
91″ x 22.5″ x 22.5″
Kurt Dyrhaug- “Sensor Device II” 2005
cast iron and cypress
84” x 48” x 40”
Lee Littlefield- “For Spike” 2010
wood and enamel
12’ x 7’ x 4’
George Tobolowsky- “guarding the CACTUS MAN” 2010
stainless steel found objects
88” x 48” x 24”
Stephen Daly- “GRINDMAN 3” 2007
sandblasted aluminum
13’11” x 7’8″ x 4’11”