Art In The Garden
Mar 25–Sep 30, 2010
Image Gallery

Art In The Garden
Mar 25–Sep 30, 2010
March 25 – September 30, 2010
San Antonio Botanical Garden
Featuring Albert Paley; curated by Bill FitzGibbons
The spring Art in the Garden exhibit at the San Antonio Botanical Garden will open during Contemporary Art Month this year showcasing the work of sculptor Albert Paley, curated by Bill FitzGibbons. Known for his integration of art and architecture, Paley will exhibit his contemporary steel sculptures throughout the 33 acres of the Botanical Garden. The exhibit features a diverse set of steel sculptures: some reflect the influence of surrealism while others lean towards abstraction. Ranging in height from 7 ½ to over 15 feet and weighing 2000-9000 pounds, each piece possesses intense movement of its elements and gives off the feeling of contained chaos. Paley creates his sculptures from CorTen Steel and stainless steel. Art in the Garden is a bi-annual collaboration between Contemporary at Blue Star and the San Antonio Botanical Garden.
Albert Paley has been active as an artist for over 30 years at his studio in Rochester, New York. He is the first metal sculptor to receive the coveted Lifetime Achievement Award from the American Institute of Architects, the AIA’s highest award to a non-architect. Commissioned by both public institutions and private corporations, Paley has completed more than 50 site-specific works. Pieces by Albert Paley can be found in the permanent collections of many major museums including the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York, the Museum of Fine Arts in Boston, the Museum of Fine Arts in Houston, and the Victoria and Albert Museum in London.