Red Dot 2022 Open Call
Application Period April 25, 2022 – May 20, 2022
Red Dot is an annual fundraising program that supports San Antonio’s artists and its longest-running space for contemporary art through sponsorship and art sales. With 100+ artworks offered for sale with the proceeds equally shared between the contributing artists and BSC.
Artworks will remain on view and available for purchase in the Red Dot Show November 9, 2022 – January 8, 2023
Artist Eligibility
– Have at least 5 years of relevant experience and/or specialized arts training, such as a degree or certificate.
– Demonstrate a clear investment of time and resources into their artistic practice and/or derive a portion of individual earned income from their artistic practice or areas related to their field.
– Have professional portfolios that include publicly displayed and possibly published works.
– Must not be a current student.
– Must currently reside in Bexar County and/or conduct a significant portion of your artistic practice/outreach in San Antonio, or has exhibited at BSC in the last 5 years.
*please note BSC does not cover production, finishing, or shipping costs for artworks included in the fundraiser.
How artists participate
Artists participate in Red Dot by contributing an artwork for sale. The work will be on view in the Red Dot Show and available for purchase the entire duration of the show. Artworks are selected by BSC’s curator. Artists are asked to donate 50% of the sale of their work to BSC to support its non-profit mission.
Artist participate with one of the following designations:
Invited Artists– Artists who are invited by BSC to contribute one artwork for sale based on their submission. Work is selected by BSC’s curator and if sold, 50% of proceeds go to BSC and 50% to the artist. The selected artwork is sold through BSC.
Collected Artists– A collector commits to purchasing a work by an artist in advance of the event and by the collector deadline. This work is sold through BSC with 50% of the proceeds going to BSC and 50% to the artist. The collected work does not hang in Red Dot, but a secondary work is selected by BSC’s curator for inclusion in the event. This secondary work must also be available for purchase with 50% of proceeds going to BSC and 50% to the artist.
FAQs about artist participation
How do I price my work?
Consider your costs for making your work including material costs and your time. Establish what an hourly rate might be for your studio time so a value can be calculated consistently. With time, experience, growth, and success this rate will increase. Pricing your work also requires some market research. This looks like visiting galleries and art fairs, checking exhibition price lists and the CVs of exhibiting artists, and talking to art buyers and consultants. What kind of work are these spaces showing and having success in selling? What is the artist’s level of professional experience? How is their work priced? How does all this information compare to you and your work? Research prices and consider price points. There’s nothing worse than having your pricing completely pitched wrong for the area, the gallery and the caliber of the company you are keeping. It’s very helpful if you can get hold of catalogues for previous exhibitions/events to see what the range of prices look like. Look at the prices of established artists in your direct and surrounding community. Consider the market the work will be selling in and the demand. If you are an emerging artist with work priced higher than established artists with successful, 30 plus year careers, your pricing is probably off.
How do you select artists?
We have many criteria and markers we are trying to meet in curating Red Dot. Overall we focus on offering a diversity of perspectives, subjects, techniques, and styles through the works, trying to engage the interest of a multitude of collectors in the community to have a successful fundraiser for the organization. We aim through these efforts to highlight a small view of the immense talent of San Antonio’s artists in an equitable way. Selected artist represent many backgrounds, are at many different stages in their careers, and have work at an array of price points. Artists demonstrate a commitment in their craft and a desire to support and champion BSC and its work.
How many artists are selected?
Approximately 100 or so artists participate in Red Dot each year.
What size should my work be?
We request submissions are within 40″ wide and smaller for wall bound works. We will consider all submissions but aim to include approximately 100 works so scale is a consideration.
What type of work do you include?
We are a contemporary art space, so we feature contemporary work. All mediums welcome.
Can my work be unframed?
Works must be exhibition and collector ready. This usually means framed for works on paper. Framing or display equipment should be included in your price. Many collectors want to purchase work ready to take home and hang. Unprepared work with additional cost after purchase from BSC can be a deterrent in purchasing. Work should include adequate instructions for installation and all hanging/mounting/display materials.
What is a collected artist?
A collected artist has the potential to sell two works through Red Dot. One work is a guaranteed sale which a collector commits to purchasing in advance of the event. This collected work does not hang in the show. A second work is selected by BSC’s curator and hangs in the show. This work is also for sale for a 50-50 split.
What if a collector wants to commission a work?
Commissions through Red Dot are possible. Many collectors want to commission through Red Dot as a chance to support BSC and get a work they’ve been wanting. We help facilitate the terms, price, and agreed timeline. Commission sale is process through BSC.
Are art sales 100% to Blue Star?
No. Sales are split 50% to the artist, 50% to BSC, unless artist wants to donate 100% of the sale.
What happens to unsold work?
Artists pick up all unsold work. BSC does not accept artwork donations and is a non-collecting organization.
Why do artist need to reside in Bexar county? Are there any exceptions?
Red Dot is a fundraising program that thrives from the reciprocal support between local artists with BSC. Artists being local is a reflection of our organization history and puts less of a strain on participating artists generously donating a portion of their sales since they don’t have to ship their work. Participating artists outside of Bexar County have included those with a long history and relationship with the organization, living in close by, neighboring cities, or who have participated in recent exhibitions.
Have a question not covered here or in the guidelines? Email
Image Gallery

Julia Barbosa Landois, Sky Serpent, 2019, Silkscreen and collage on paper, 21 1/2 x 26 1/2", $3,200. (50% of sale to benefit BSC) Courtesy of the artist.