Red Dot 2020 Open Call
- Application Period February 1, 2020 – February 21, 2020
Red Dot is a fundraising event that supports San Antonio’s artists and its longest-running space for contemporary art through sponsorship and art sales. With 100 artworks offered for sale with the proceeds equally shared between the contributing artists and BSC.
Each year, BSC selects an Honorary Artist and Honorary Patron to recognize at the event. In 2020, we celebrate the 30th anniversary of the event and honor artist César Martínez and patron Francesca Billups Mannix, and for the first time, artworks will remain on view and available for purchase as the Red Dot Show through June 21.
Artist Eligibility
– Have at least 5 years of relevant experience and/or specialized arts training, such as a degree or certificate.
– Demonstrate a clear investment of time and resources into their artistic practice and/or derive a portion of individual earned income from their artistic practice or areas related to their field.
– Have professional portfolios that include publicly displayed and possibly published works.
– Must not be a current student.
– Must currently reside in Bexar County and/or conduct a significant portion of your artistic practice/outreach in San Antonio, or has exhibited at BSC in the last 5 years.
How artists participate
Artists participate in Red Dot as either Invited Artists or Collected Artists. Invited and Collected Artists are asked to donate 50% of the sale of their work to BSC to support its non-profit mission. All participating artists receive two tickets to the event and a catalog.
Invited Artists– Artists who are invited by BSC to contribute one artwork for sale based on their submission. Work is selected by BSC’s curator and if sold, 50% of proceeds go to BSC and 50% to the artist. The selected artwork is sold through BSC.
Collected Artists– A collector commits to purchasing a work by an artist in advance of the event and by the collector deadline. This work is sold through BSC with 50% of the proceeds going to BSC and 50% to the artist. The collected work does not hang in Red Dot, but a secondary work is selected by BSC’s curator for inclusion in the event. This secondary work must also be available for purchase with 50% of proceeds going to BSC and 50% to the artist.
Image Gallery

Red Dot 2019