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Justin Boyd Performance

Thursday, April 28, 2016

Justin Boyd Performance

  • April 28, 2016
  • 6-7 PM
  • Performance beginning at 6:30 PM

Join Bue Star and Blue Star Berlin Alumni Justin Boyd as he performs live a short electro-acoustic piece of processed field recordings from his time in Berlin.

Boyd’s new installation, Going on Going at Blue Star is inspired by his time spent in Germany in Summer 2014. Selected as one of the 2014-2015 Contemporary at Blue Star Berlin Residents, Boyd spent his days recording the city of Berlin through its sounds. So much of his time was dedicated to listening, whether it was to the daily sounds of bikes, cars, trains, conversations, or the Berlin Philharmonic, improvisational music, and techno, Boyd gained a unique knowledge of the city that others may not have.

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