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Soul Doubt

Oct 2–Nov 1, 2008

Image Gallery

Soul Doubt

Oct 2–Nov 1, 2008

October 2 – November 1, 2008
Gallery 4

Featuring H. Michael Karshis

Artist and graphic designer H. Michael Karshis (the H is for Henry) was born in the U.K., educated in Boston, and currently lives the good life and works in beautiful San Antonio, Texas. Combining collaged rescued ephemera, found objects and large-scale photography, Karshis’ oeuvre includes prints and audio experimentation. Each hanging comes with its own soundtrack (HMK Mystery Streams, AKA Irregular Frequency) juxtaposing hand-selected samples of sound and audio with the imagery of the respective piece. Described as “choreographed chaos” and charged with double entendres using visual metaphors as equal parts propaganda and pun, Karshis manipulates sardonic hyperbolic word play, palpably fueled by his passion for typography, scientific illustrations, maps and diagrams through which he explores ritualistic forms of their use in pop culture, communication and packaging. Check out his work and you’ll get a pretty good idea about what gets him out of bed each morning.

More about the artist at